2022 Holiday Fundraiser

Friday, December 09, 2022

Hotel Andaluz, 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.

The New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association (NMHBA) and the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association Foundation (NMHBAF) Respectfully request your support to raise funds for the NMHBA’s educational, scholarship, and mentorship programs at the 21st Annual Holiday Fundraiser.  This historic event is back and in person this year!  The event will take place at the historic Andaluz Hotel on December 9, 2022.  The Fundraiser will feature a VIP cocktail reception for event sponsors, where attendees can catch up with each other, a general reception with heavy h'orderves, and a reverse raffle drawing

Since its founding in 1978, the NMHBA has been comprised of volunteer attorneys committed to increasing diversity in the legal profession through the support of Hispanic legal professionals and students.

Where your money goes:

The NMHBA’s support begins as early as middle school through its Summer Law Camp program, continues through high school with its statewide high school outreach initiative, and extends to law school through its mentorship and scholarship programs.  Indeed, the scholarship program is one of the NMHBA’s flagship programs, awarding thousands of dollars each year to deserving law students.  Scholarships include a new partial scholarship for a first-year law student and scholarships to help offset the cost of textbooks and the bar exam.  More information about the programs can be found on our Facebook Page.

Your support is an integral part of the NMHBA’s mission to enhance the legal profession's diversity in our state.

How this year is different

Covid-19 has changed the world as we know it, and with these changes has come an even greater need. the nmhba's priority is to see students through these unprecedented times to allow them to focus on studying and graduating to become successful members of our bar. Thank you for helping them along that path!